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School Parliament Election Campaign at Vidyodaya Public School

Writer: VidyodayaVidyodaya

On 23th of March, 2023 Vidyodaya Public School organized an Election campaign program, where the candidates who have given their candidature for various posts of the school parliament had to campaign. Student council is a powerful representation of the student body that works in collaboration with administration sector and the teaching faculty.

The Head Boy, Head Girl, Cultural leader, Discipline leader, Health and Hygiene leader, House leaders and the Assistant leaders will be elected democratically by the student body after a frenzied election campaign. The contenders for the various coveted positions read out their manifestos in the gathering to convince the students that they are the right choice for the position. Total 172 students contested for various posts. This process of Election creates an awareness in students regarding democracy. A democratic style of leadership offers the potential to overcome the weaknesses that the other types of leadership tend to develop.

School Discipline In charge Mr. Damodar convened the entire program where he briefed the students about the School Parliament and the duties and responsibilities of the cabinet members.

Program was headed and guided by our school Principal Mrs. Anitha P Raj. High school coordinator Mrs Saku and teachers were present in this gathering.

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